Common Misconceptions About Diesel Fuel


Although it’s common to see a diesel fuel pump at a gas station, many people aren’t sure what this fuel is or how it works. Diesel is a type of fuel that is thicker than regular gasoline. It has more energy density and higher torque than gasoline, making it the preferred choice for powering large loads such as construction vehicles and semi-trucks.

If you’re looking for a diesel fuel particulate filter, you may have a diesel vehicle or drive one regularly. Keep reading for a few common misconceptions about diesel fuel.

Myth: Diesel Fuel Has a Lower MPG Than Gasoline

Miles per gallon, often abbreviated as MPG, is the number of miles that a car can travel on a single gallon of fuel. Car manufacturers use MPG to determine a car’s fuel economy: the higher the MPG, the farther a car can travel on a single gallon.

It’s a common misconception that diesel fuel has a lower MPG rate than gasoline. On the contrary, diesel engines often have a higher fuel efficiency than their gasoline counterparts. It’s estimated that diesel engines will get at least 45MPG on the highway and 50MPG on a regular road.

The difference lies in the construction of the engine itself. Diesel engines have a higher compression ratio and therefore compress more air than gasoline engines. This makes them the more efficient engine choice.

Myth: Diesel Fuel Is More Expensive Than Gasoline

It’s true that diesel fuel costs more than gasoline when you compare gallon-to-gallon. However, when you’re analyzing the true cost of diesel fuel, it’s important to remember its efficiency. Diesel fuel gets you farther per mile than gasoline, so you need less of it. This overall savings makes diesel a less expensive choice than gasoline.

Myth: Diesel Engines Are Extremely Loud

It’s a common misconception that diesel engines are excessively noisy. Although this may have been true for trucks of the past, today’s diesel vehicles are getting quieter and quieter. While they’re not deafeningly loud anymore, they are generally louder than gasoline engines due to their high compression rates.

Myth: Diesel Engines Are Dirty

Both gasoline and diesel fuels create pollution, but diesel isn’t as bad for the environment as you may think. Modern diesel engines are equipped with air filters that help remove harmful particulates. According to laboratory tests, these filters can capture up to 99% of the particulate matter emitted through exhaust.

There are many misconceptions about diesel engines. Although the thought of “diesel” may conjure up visions of loud, low-MPG, dirty vehicles, today’s diesel engines are quite efficient and useful for a variety of industries.

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